Part III
"So I came to hate life, because the activities done under the sun were loathsome to me, since everything is meaningless and feeding on wind. In darkness there was vanity, and in the light vanity still. I thought 'Where is hope? Where's reason? A reason to endure... a reason to exist?' I'd lost them both; and with them, my mind. The bricks I laid to protect me from the elements were the walls of my incarceration. And then it occurred to me: 'Madness, she is the meaning to a meaningless existence.' The great irony of life is the facade of it all. The man I portray on the streets aught never to reflect the man within. It's necessary to put on a face before stepping on stage, and the faces I wore were not my own. It was madness that kept me sane. You may call it a contradiction - hypocrisy. I call (called) it survival. 'Survival,' not 'Living.' Because there was one detail that I neglected to recall: a lie is only true so long as you believe it; and I had forgotten how to believe. So before I knew it, the bricks began to crumble. The walls collapsed in on me, and I was left to confront the damndest devil of them all... myself."